20.03.2024 - 2 jour(s)

A partir de 2h00 le 20 mars jusqu'à 13h30 le 21 mars 2024

Maison Irène & Frédéric Joliot-Curie (Rue du Trône 100 2ème étage, 1050 - Bruxelles, Belgique)

Skills for the nuclear sector in Europe – Towards a large-scale and regional partnership ?

On the occasion of the Nuclear Energy Summit 2024, France Universités and Université de Caen Normandie, in partnership with CEA, IRSN and CDEFI, invite you to attend: “Skills for the Nuclear Sector in Europe – Towards a Large-scale and Regional Partnership?” an event held at Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie

The desire expressed by many countries to revive nuclear energy faces an important challenge due to an ageing workforce, potentially leading to a loss of skills. Preserving and advancing nuclear expertise in the EU is therefore key.

Upskilling and reskilling the nuclear workforce may also be strategically relevant for all Member States. Activities related to new nuclear technologies such as SMR/AMR, decommissioning, radioactive waste management, and non-energy applications, especially in the medical field, are all major concerns as well.

The event will provide an occasion for discussing a joint roadmap involving universities from EU-27 countries, and addressing skills gaps in the nuclear sector through collaboration with the European Commission, higher education and research sectors, industrialists, as well as local and national authorities.

Registration link

